There are so many...The old-fashioned telephone or face-to-face contacts for jobs or apartments or friends when you moved to a new place. The Wellesley Community on Facebook that gives advice and support, finds your grandmother when she is lost and frightened in an airport and knows what the flower is that you saw on a hike. The lectures and events that I go to through the Wellesley Club wherever I live. The love and pride you feel when you see the photo of classmates' daughters who are starting at Wellesley and knowing that they too will feel the Wellesley effect.This is all brought back to center by the day I had yesterday in New York City where I had lunch with a wonderful classmate and dear friend, caught up about our lives and turning 50 this year and what that means and feels like to us and to how the world perceives us. Then that night at a recruiting fair looking our over the crowd and seeing a Wellesley friend that I met through the alumnae board and running over to see her and meet her daughter. When Alice said, "This is a Wellesley friend of mine" her 8th grade daughter nodded her head knowingly and understood our connection.
The women I know and the connections I make.